2. apr, 2013

So far

My fair deal of human sorrow every day coming for care or cure to my practice.

Easter has reminded me of my own mortality and of the resilience if not the resurrection of het mortal flesh. Once again we face April, the cruelest month.

We don't forget the demise of Sabine who came to the brink of life and never got to taste it, as I explained in the Dutch section of the site.

I admire the balance of the sculpture by Marion Visione, which seems to float lightly in the air, quite a feat if you consider the weight of the bronze. The curve, the character, the gesture, it is all quietly balanced.

Ariadne holds, rather intriguingly, her uprolled thread, in her left arm and spends with her right hand her lifeline or is it the umbilical chord?

 One of the very few that will never be severed.