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All about myself

I just aborted a profile in Academia.edu because it would have cost me money to get it online. It says something about me. So I kept it, an improved it a bit, and added the picture I would have chosen.


Born 1956. Dr Med. Still active in family care as a general practitioner in Brussels, Belgium. Author of several published novels since 1986. Not being a mystic myself I am enthralled by mysticism in the Christian and Islamic traditions. The pursuit of truth and the vocation of care are based on the vast literature that we possess today about the spiritual journey of man- and womanhood in the course of time.

Research Interests

Not really the ones I imagined, but this is what the site came up with to lure me in:

• Social and Cultural
• Anthropology
• Historiography
• Early Modern
• Europe
• History
• Self and Identity
• Witches

There was more, but this is enough. I like witches by the way. Well, now you know.


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Het succes van ons gedicht zal ervan afhangen of het toespreken ook een aanspreken wordt. Voel je je als lezer aangesproken door het gebodene? Daaruit volgt de vraag voor de maker…


Louisa vond Berlijn een mooie en aangename stad, omdat ze kleurig is. Brussel daarmee vergeleken is grauw en grijs. Dat vindt ze deprimerend.